Here's a general overview of the current Sunday School groups:
Worship 11:00 A.M.We offer a blended church service, so you'll find traditional and contemporary elements every Sunday.
Please come as you are and dress comfortably! There's a nursery available in the fellowship building to the west of the sanctuary - just speak with an usher or greeter for directions. Or if you'd prefer to keep your child with you in church, feel free to use the "Comfort Station" rocking chair in the narthex at the back of the church. In addition, children's church (TBD due to COVID) is offered to our younger elementary students (K - 3rd grade). Each week they'll sing, praise, and celebrate God's goodness and love through a variety of activities. |
Please introduce yourself and your family when we ask for new visitors! We LOVE meeting the new folks and have a special packet for you.
An announcement is made during each service about where the "Lunch Bunch" will meet. Please join us after the service for more fellowship! |